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Post by Tree Gelbman Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:37 pm

This will be where I rank my fellow Houseguests each week.

This first ranking will be me just ranking the character choices. I obviously don’t know who is who or what these people are like yet. I can judge them based off who they chose though, and I think I will!! Smile I won’t be including myself in this rank or future ones because we all know I am the best character and that I trust myself the most. Let’s do this!!



I’ve actually never seen Truth or Dare… I heard it was ass so I just never watched it. She’s a cute girl but like… idk? Odd choice right? I do like that it’s a character from a horror movie that’s not big or really popular. I just can’t rank someone from a movie I have never seen above the others. It wouldn’t feel right!


Once again… I’ve never seen her movie. Tremors is a franchise I honestly just RECENTLY  heard about again after years and years of it never being mentioned anywhere. I don’t know the plot, what it’s about, NOTHING! But I do know Rhonda is like a badass heroine though, and that’s why she is 1 above Penelope. I feel like whoever chose this character has been watching the Kill Counts on the YouTube channel, Dead Meat, because it’s been like a Tremors marathon on there for weeks.


I’m sorry girl but no… this just ain’t it. You come into a game where it’s social based and you wanna be the scary sewer bitch from The Ring? People won’t trust a face they can’t see, and ya know what? No one wants to see that face. Move that hair out of your face and it’s a fuckin nightmare. I’m sorry but she just looks like she threw her head in the god damn toilet. ALSO, she’s a little girl. That’s odd. Playing as a child is odd to me LOL.


Speaking of playing as children being odd… here is the one that makes me the most uncomfortable! Like now that’s what I call fuckin YIKES! I seriously need this girl to leave pre jury just so I don’t feel strange the whole time. Like this is a CHILD CHILD! I literally can’t deal. When I saw the name of the girl who says “They’re here…” from The Poltergeist I legit said “there’s no fuckin way” OUT LOUD. I hate this choice and the only reason she’s not last is because I’ve at least seen her movie and she’s not a rotted bitch from a well like Samara.


I’m not a super crazy American Mary fan. I’ve only seen it once years ago, and I don’t really remember it all that well. I legit have nothing to really say about this character choice. She’s okay? She’s decent? She’s cute? Whatever honestly. That’s why she’s this low.


I mean YAWN! You have to come up with a character for a horror game and you choose a final girl from one of the biggest horror movie franchises in the world, A Nightmare on Elm Street. It’s not very inventive or creative. Also, Nancy is kind of just blah to me and the Nightmare Franchise has never been near and dear to me.


*wakes up from the slumber Nancy’s character choice knocked me into just to fall fast asleep again at this one* Like okay listen, I LOVE Scream. We all know that okay? Like duh. BUT… this is so boring. Just like Nancy, you have free range to choose ANY horror character you want… and you go with a final girl from arguably THEE most popular and talked about horror franchise right now, Scream. Wake me up in 15 minutes! Don’t forget! Smile


This choice isn’t terrible and honestly I would love it way more if Scream 5 didn’t JUST come out. Like it’s very recent and low key boring. It’s legit 2 months old… like idk. Could’ve done better imo. With all that though… Mindy is iconic and I do like her in her movie so we move.


This choice is kinda fun! She’s OBVIOUSLY the star of her movie considering it’s named Carrie, and it is creative enough. The thing is though who would pick Carrie? I’m assuming it’s someone who feels drawn to a character like Carrie. So i’m thinking someone who is misunderstood and maybe was bullied in the past? IDK! Aww! But then again… I’m not a cheerleader from San Diego… I’m not a dead rock singer with blue hair… and I’m not a blonde mean girl turned nice girl after being murdered 30+ times… So maybe i’m wrong?


The only reason she is this high is because I think it’s a creative choice and nothing I would’ve thought of. However…. there is a reason for that. I absolutely HATE The Witch, or The VVitch or however dumbass way they spell that movie. I understand that that isn’t a popular opinion, and i’m definitely in the minority on that one, but idc. The movie is AWFUL. I appreciate “not in your face horror” too so the fact that I still feel that way…. it’s bad. She’s a cute pick though and I like the name so she is at 6.


Again, I am not a fan of the Nightmare franchise really but this… this is a good choice. A random side character from the 4th installment of the franchise? A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 : The Dream Master… like how fun. I love a random side character type of bitch. Those are usually my favorite people in films and TV shows.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Saw franchise. Absolutely adore it and this choice? AMAZING. Another random side bitch character from Saw V. The fifth movie isn’t THE BEST but it isn’t THE WORST and Luba is a calculated person. She really tried to stay women strong and got stabbed right in the fuckin neck for it. I like this choice and I love her movie. She’s gotta make jury.


Okay… maybe not very creative or inventive… BUT this is my girl. Clear fuckin Rivers from Final Destination 1 & 2. There’s so many reasons to love Clear. She believed Alex about his premonition of the plane exploding, she stuck by his side, took herself out of a padded room to help a new group of people Death was after… like the list goes on. I hope they choose blonde Clear for their picture and not brunette Clear for obvious reasons.


Where do I begin. I would tell you why Tatum Riley from the original Scream is so iconic and perfect and amazing in every single way, but i’ll just let her legendary quotes speak for themselves on this one. “I'll send you a copy.' BAM! Bitch went down! 'I'll send you a copy.' BAM! Sid! Superbitch!" "Stupidity Leak!" "What am I, the beer wench?" "Cute! What movie is this from? I Spit on Your Garage?" "No, please, don't kill me, Mr. Ghostface. I wanna be in the sequel." "Cut, Casper. That's a wrap!" "Lose the outfit. If Sidney sees it, she'll flip." "Oh, you wanna play psycho killer? Can I be the helpless victim?" "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be a female. Basic Instinct." "Billy and his penis don't deserve you." "Nice welt, sweetie." "Don't go there, Sid. You're starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick or something. Don't freak yourself out, okay? We've got a long night ahead of us." "She's not answering any questions, all right? Just leave us alone." "Or a man's brutality."


I absolutely LOST MY MIND seeing this character choice. Freddy Vs Jason is not the best movie in the world by far, nor is it one of my favorites… BUT Kia is the absolute best thing about that movie. She has the best death imo, she has the best look with those red streaks in her hair, she’s played by the iconic Kelly Rowland, and finally she has THEE best quote out of every single character from any A Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th movie. This woman looks straight at FREDDY KREUGER himself and says "So, you're the one everyone's afraid of? Tell me something. What kind of faggot runs around in a Christmas sweater?” She follows that up with insinuating Freddy has a small penis cuz he uses “butter knives” as a weapon. All this just to get fucking WRECKED by Jason Voorhees’ machete right into a tree in the best shot of the film. Great choice and I hope I like her in the game and we can align.
Tree Gelbman
Tree Gelbman

Join date : 2022-03-24

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Post by Tree Gelbman Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:44 pm



Has genuinely not said ONE word to me. I hope they aren’t like entirely inactive. How boring? If they are I hope they leave this week. Serves nothing at all.


Another person that hasn’t said one word to me. However… I wake up this morning to a private room made for us? She probably did this with everyone. What a shame because she was my favorite character choice and is serving complete dud.


Okay so the other 2 haven’t said one word to me…. Carrie has said a handful. Like I PM’ed her yesterday, she messaged back and went ghost. Carrie use those mind powers to warp up some strategy girl.


Took until 5am this morning to get a peep from this Nightmare star. If she was busy… idc. Still could’ve said something girlie.


I don’t know what it is… Luba seems so fake. She gives me very “yasss mama! Props to ya sis! ooooo ahh ahh *emoji emoji*” Like this is a gay man for sure. She is just very generic and we don’t really click super well. At least not her and my fake new personality I have adopted.


I wanna like this bitch. I want to work with her and keep her as my secret weapon to use when I need to take out someone from my alliance but like… She barely spoke to me yesterday and when she did it was only a sentence each time. She was so talkative in PM’s so it’s so weird. She is just giving me weird energy, but I am still willing to give her a chance.


We had good conversations in PM’s yesterday and was my last 1 on 1 private room victim of the night. She seems… okay? Why do I get the vibe she could be the killer? She’s like Luba where she seems fake with everyone, but she is just better at it. I want to like her, but she needs to show me more.


Listen… I like Sheila. I think she’s sweet and talks a lot and actually likes me. The thing is though she is going to be dangerous down the line. She’s not like some of these other girls where they will fight and have bad jury management. Sheila could win this whole thing and I am calling it here now on Day 2.


Carol is cool. Me and her are most likely going to end up in an alliance together with Tatum, Sidney and… others? Pretty quickly. She seems like someone that will stab you in the back and not the front. If I am wrong I am wrong but I think Carol Anne might be my official Killer prediction as of right now.


I can’t tell of Rhonda is ACTUALLY a straight up bitch with an badass attitude or if it’s all for the game and a persona. She mentioned like 2-3 times that she likes me a lot. She says she’s loyal to her few and is a bitch to everyone else. Maybe I can use this one as my secret weapon instead of Samara.


I actually really like Clear. These top 5 are like my legitimate people right now that I wanna be loyal as I can to. Clear seems super chill and down to Earth. I want to work with her in this game long term right now and I think we might end up in an alliance together with 2 others in my Top 5 so that’s amazing. I hope it’s sooner rather than later.


Mindy would not be up this high if she didn’t double message me and say that I am her favorite person and she feels like she can tell me anything. I don’t get fake vibes from Mindy like I do from Luba & Thomasin. Mindy seems genuine and actually wanting to work with me and trust me a lot so far.


I might have stabbed this woman hoping to get her nominated, but she’s a peach and keeping me safe this week. Everyone cheer!! 🥳🥳🥳 She seems to be really down for an alliance with me involved. If you’re HOH and proposing alliances, you have nothing to gain by lying about it honestly? If it’s a big group it’s probably the only alliance she’s making. She’s chill to talk to as well.


I LIKE THIS BITCH IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS ABOUT HER!!! These whores need #LeavePenelopeAlone okay?! I’m scared she’s going to go up as the Killer nominee because of her “tiff” with Samara yesterday. Like clearly she was just making a joke?! IT ISNT LIKE YOU ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE, SAMARA???????? Or…. do you? Idk. Penelope is my girl but she needs to chill with the flirting lmfao.


Okay yeah yeah, me and how many other people have Tatum as their #1? Probably a few. She is the other HOH and can gain a lot of allies this way. I think we have amazing chemistry though, and we vibe really well together. I like that she told me to come to her if I hear any BS or anything weird. She is also the one that told me about this potential 6 person alliance. She’s currently my main woman.
Tree Gelbman
Tree Gelbman

Join date : 2022-03-24

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Post by Tree Gelbman Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:05 am



My mother fucking TARGET this week. I need this chick OUT OF HERE. She plays the “wah wah Im all alone” card. When in reality she has her damn witch hands in 96 cookie jars. Also winning both POV’s? Unnecessary. I hope you leave this week on my reign. I’m sorry


You’re just so irrelevant…Also I am putting you up and you are the backup target so definitely drawling lines for me and you right now.


Oh bitch… you’re dead to me. I think you’re fake as shit. Apparently you all about “tHomMy” like “Thommy! Thommy baby! Thom Thom! Hiya snookums! THOMMY GORGEOUS” Like fuck off… Lying ass fake ass.


Another bitch that really done fucked up. You don’t want me turning on you. You really don’t. Especially when it’s your fault. 🎶 You could of had it ALLLLLLLLLL instead of rolling in the deeeeeeeeep 🎶 (with Thomasin)


I am nominating you so I’m sorry. There is just no connection for us. You are a PAWN pawn this week. Not the backdoor target or the “failed backdoor noms” target either. If you vote to evict Thomasin this week you can have rights.


She better fucking vote to evict Thomasin. I am hoping she will keep Kia over Thomasin. That’s the main main reason I would rather Carrie come off the block too. I don’t want any funny business from this one.


It’s called show ME loyalty, hoe. Idc who used POV on you… I am not nominating you how bout that?


You were going to be my #1 until about an hour ago. Apparently you told Rhonda I am good with the whole house? Are your serious? Idk if Samara is lying about that but I can’t prove she is so… you shady now for the time being for me. Makes me sad tbh…


This bitch spilled EVERYTHING to me. She better just evict Thomasin or I am going to cry. I think she GENUINELY wants to work with me. She think I’m at the bottom. Like baby… that’s your well dwelling ass. But I love ya!


These top 4 are MY BITCHES!!!!! I want us to be the new Top 5 honestly. Fuck Sidney Fuck Sheila Fuck Clear. How bout that? Mindy has my back no matter what. That’s my girl!! She didn’t even have to know it was Thomasin to promise me her vote. LOYAL QUEEN!


Look at this jump!!! It’s called GROWTH okay?! This is my BITCH. I love her. Thank you for your unwavering loyalty baby. I owe you big time. You’re my little ray of sunshine the the dark.


I hate putting her at #2 but the first person literally I think would throw away her game for me lol. You won’t do that. That’s the only reason you’re #2 and not #1. I still love you so much and you’re my favorite.


This girl really proves herself to me more and more everyday. Idk what else to say. You’re my final 2 and I appreciate you so much.
Tree Gelbman
Tree Gelbman

Join date : 2022-03-24

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Post by Tree Gelbman Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:55 am



This girl is such a bore. It sucks because I love her character choice 😩 She genuinely does not try. Like if ur busy, I GET it. If you’re just not down to speak to me, I GET it. But like… show up for at least SOME comps and at least try to send me ONE message to check in?


Girl… I don’t know if you are lying or telling the truth ever. No matter what though… I think you’re cracked. Like you are full blown Gretchen Wieners after not getting any candy canes from Regina George.


Because I can’t tell if you are a fat ass liar or Nancy, I will just put you both down here with Miss Kia. I’m so sick and tired of all of you. Each of you, in your own right, is BEGGING on your hands and knees for me to make sure you leave prejury.


Yeah so Thomasin told me you told her about my backdoor plan as well. I decided not to mention you though to anyone else… Idk though. You are sketchy. You probably did do it and you probably voted to keep Rhonda because of her dumbass goodbye to you. I do want you to stick around for now though.


You just don’t show up for anything. You are never here. If you gave me an OUNCE of some of your time… then maybe you’d be higher but like? 😅


Oh baby. Trust and believe you are the sacrificial lamb if our alliance somehow becomes targeted. You are totally out this bitch. I still think you had something to do with the Thomasin fiasco. But you would keep me safe for now.


Pretty much the same exact thing I said about Sidney except you are the 2nd sacrificial lamb. I’m sorry. I like you personally but I think you told Thomasin or hinted at it heavily and I don’t like that. I do trust you more than Sidney though.


I think Luba really is down for me. She definitely has other shit going on but she is cool with me for sure. I do think if she finds me too threatening towards the end she will cut me. For now she can breathe.


Every week I want to put Clear higher and higher… she makes it so hard though. We don’t talk enough 1 on 1. I think this is TJ though. And if TJ knows this is me, he knows I don’t need to be babysat. If this isn’t TJ though then idk… Like literally she would probably be at 5 but me thinking it’s TJ puts her at 4 😂


My angel doll baby from the clouds in the sky. She tells me all the tea when Nancy is talking shit. I want Mindy in the Final 4 with me and my other top 2 on this ranking. ILY MINDY!!! 💖


Same as last time, I want to make you #1 but I can’t because you would not tarnish your own game for me. WHICH IS OKAY! I still love you so much. No one should do that for anyone. But my #1 has me convinced she would LOL


I can be your Lindsay Lohan, I can be Madonna. I could be your Marilyn Monroe, I can be Rihanna. So call me Courtney Love, I'm your extra dose of drama. Your fans call you "mother" but bitch, my fans call me "mama". I can give you Paris Hilton, I can give you Janet
I could give you Björk, but I don't think you'd understand it. I could give you sex doll, bitch, you love these legend lips And baby, I could give you model with these double A-cup tits, eeow. Icon, icon, i-i-i-i-icon, icon ('con!) Icon, icon, i-i-i-i-icon, icon ('con!) Icon, icon, i-i-i-i-
icon, icon (cunt) Icon, icon, i-i-i-i. Listen, honey, you're over. I'm popping, bitch, like TNT I'm in your head like PCP. And boys, they love my A&T. That's why I let them pee on me. I still don't fuck in Cadillacs. My pussy tastes like Apple Jacks. I'm looking gorgeous, looking sex. Who made you hoes go back to crack?
Tree Gelbman
Tree Gelbman

Join date : 2022-03-24

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Post by Tree Gelbman Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:00 am


Okay so I am going to do this trust rankings with a little twist. I am going to also say who I think they are as well in there.


This is my bby Anferny 😭😭😭 I HATE HATE HATE that we have come to this point where you are literally my #1 target. It sucks so bad. But baby… I evicted you, and not only that… I’m pretty sure you know I am lying about keeping you. You have to go. Clearly you are kick ass at campaigning so it just makes sense that you go next for me. I am so sorry. You know outside this game I adore you to bits.


I’m pretty sure after today this is John. That is all I am going to say there. This is all GAME related, just letting the record show that now. To further prove that I low key thought John could’ve been Penelope and I was still going to bring her to Final 2. But anyways… we move. So Sheila is a selfish ass player. Which I understand, I can be selfish too at certain points but Sheila is selfish CONSISTENTLY. I am tired of her attitude in the public threads as well. She is great to talk to 1 on 1 but I do not respect her unnecessary comments to Penelope. She did not deserve it. After Nancy is gone I am turning on the alliance and Sheila is the first target of mine


I do not have much to say nor do I have a legit guess for this woman. If I had to guess… maybe… Ryan?! Omg I literally JUST thought of Ryan/Reanna as I was typing this. I was going to say Dusty. But the more I think of it… idk! If it is Ryan/Reanna OMG! I love you both so much, but y’all are SO fucking shady in this game hahaha. No matter how hard I try, I can’t trust you guys for shit. When I turn on the alliance, I fear that you are going up with Sheila my love. It is just something about you.


Bit of a drop for Luba. Idk she is just so quiet. Like I think if she made more of an effort to talk to me then maybe she would be up at #4 or even 3. But she does not really reach out. It’s always me reaching out to her. I do think she was the only one to save Kia though with me this week. Luba is a big question mark right now to me. I did not throw out a guess for Luba because I truly have NOOOO fucking idea who she is. Not a single fucking clue. Soraya maybe? Lol like no idea. (just read me and Luba’s 1 on 1. coming to make an edit because she did not keep Kia. Freak)


No one can convince me this is not Posey. Even at cast reveal and y’all try to reveal this as someone else, I am still going to say it’s Posey. Posey is Samara Morgan. Idc idc idc idc idc idc idc. I want to trust Samara but she literally never fucking votes the way I want or ask lmfao. It is fine though. She is up this high because I am convinced that she will not go after me and Penelope. That is all I care about.


I think you will be a little minion for me and Penelope. At least I hope you are. You do not get a bigger paragraph because right now that’s all you are to me, is a person to assist me. Maybe log on a little more and try harder and I will give you more recognition for being a good ally 😊 Also no guess for you. I have ZERO fucking idea who you are. I assume you are a newbie. Is this like a Mari friend? Like fucking Tumi? LOL 😂 I’ll scream


Tsk tsk tsk. You know what you do? You don’t straight up say anything so you don’t have to say you are lying. You never said your vote but you are acting so confused and blindsided as if you did not save Nancy. Why are you lying to me? I will not come after you but this shit pissed me off today. So for your shady ass actions you drop down today. Also I could be soooooo wrong but I think you’re my Rae Rae Baby… BITCH! (Okay so I had this typed out and just read me and Luba’s 1 on 1. She could have been the one to keep Kia. Sorry Tatum baby. My little Raesthetic. But imma keep you here cuz I am not rewriting)


This is TJ. No doubt in my mind anymore. Baby…… WHY CANT YOU BE LIKE PENELOPE TO ME AND BE SUPER SUPER SUPER LOYAL AND UP MY ASS?! 😭😭😭 I fucking HATE that I might ruin my game for you cuz you’re fucking TJ. You are the biggest threat here in comps and social wise. I need you gone eventually if I want to win but I do not even want to think about that right now 😩😩 But this can’t be another Steve situation in All Stars where I knew, in my heart, it was Sophia and couldn’t betray her. I can’t make the same mistake with you. Ilysm but eventually I need to cut the cord. And I am going to cry. But I want a win. I have never won and I want it so bad.


Mindy is a huge shock to me. This is my GIRL!! Mindy is literally a COMPLETE fucking wildcard to me. I have ZERO clue who this bitch is. She is in high school I think though? Didn’t she say that? This can’t be Courtney though and I do not think it is Brie…??? Who is this?! She is the only person I do no even have a SINGLE guess for. I guess if I had to i’ll say…. Brie? That is wrong though. So so so wrong. But Mindy is my bitch and I want her at the end with me.


I do not give ONE single fuck. This is my bitch. This is my girl. This is my RIDE or DIE!!! Do y’all understand me? I will rip this Earth apart to make sure her and I are at the Final 2 together. I am also going to weaponize her and try to get her to take out Sheila or Sidney for me next week when she can win again. Perioski. I also think I can beat her in Final 2. Either way though, if she does beat me at least i’m losing to someone I love in this game so much. I have NO idea who this could be. NO fucking clue. But because of her “put my whole pussy into this endurance” quote… I’ll say Kathy.
Tree Gelbman
Tree Gelbman

Join date : 2022-03-24

Jennifer Check, Theodora Crain, Tatum Riley and Clear Rivers like this post

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Post by Tree Gelbman Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:04 pm



Literally serves nothing. Literally a bore. Literally the most boring person to talk to. CARRIE fuckin excites me more. When I see a message from Carrie is like a sweet little surprise. When I see a message from Luba i’m like “Okay I wonder how much effort she decided to put into her ONE sentence to me today” If I win HOH you gettin the Rhonda treatment Petunia <3


This makes me so sad 😭😭😭 TJ!! BABY!! If you knew it was me you would so fuck with me way more heavy than you are. I want to be obvious to you so bad. Like I want to say something or act myself with you but I want everyone to be shocked when they find out it’s me at finale so I can’t. Please know I love you so so much but Clear and Tree are just not given me trustworthiness 😩 Maybe it can change and I hope so. This literally kills me.


It’s not even that I do not trust Carrie. She is just literally never here. She shows up, does a little Irish Jig for everyone for 5 seconds and leaves. She would be perfect to sit in Final 2 with because she is not even coming close to TOUCHING this Season 1 crown. But if I have my way this week, she will leave over Samara.


I want to work with you so bad and I want this to work so bad but you’re just so shady babes… like I do feel like at this point, Sidney probably did not throw me under the bus. You maybe just used that to get her out. At the end of the day I don’t care because I did want her gone whether she said shit or not. But like… UGH! Why can’t we just trust each other?! WHY?!


Okay listen… here’s the thing. I love Tatum. I really really do. This is about TRUST though. Not likability. Me and Tatum had a conversation yesterday that really turned me off from her. I will brief it up for y’all cuz I can’t remember word for word but it was something like this… Tatum : “I have a pretty good idea of who I will nominate if I win” Me : “Oh nice. Who would you put up?” Tatum : “Two people that don’t really talk to me” Me : “Right. But like who?” Tatum : “Probably like Carrie and someone else. Idk yet” Like… Tatum? Are we serious right now? You can’t even tell me the two names? You clearly do not trust me 100% I told her mine though. Luba and Carrie. So like? Idk. Really rubbed me the wrong way and now it’s just not the same for me. That was your first strike, Tatum baby. You really only ever get one with me. I’ll give you two though cuz you cute and I know you fuck with me.


Okay… Sheila gets a HUGE bump here. Her winning HOH really really gave me a brand new perspective on Sheila. She is kind of being a straight shooter? Not even kind of… she IS being a straight shooter. She could totally be pulling the wool over my eyes right now but I think she is being real with me and actually likes me. Sheila goes from being like my #2 target to someone I actually… TRUST?! How crazy this game can change day by day.


I still love Mindy so much, but now I know after Sidney’s goodbye speech that she has her hands dipped into a lot of cookie jars in this house. She was in that Scream/Nightmare alliance so there’s that. Penelope doesn’t really trust her so I am going to use that to my advantage later down the line for sure if I need to. Still love ya for now girl and I want you at Final 4 at the very LEAST.


She may not be around all the time but she is DOWN for me. I really do believe that. I really think that she values that alliance with me and Nancy and that she wants us all to do well together. She clearly has no one in the house. Tatum was going to nominate her too (Tatum snake finally decided to tell me that after these noms were made) So yeah… I want to use her to my advantage. I hope she stays over Carrie this week.


Okay well first of all… yesterday or 2 days ago this woman said she was “gutted” so it’s 100% Kathy. So OFFICIALLY hiiii bby! I cannot believe we have come together in this game. Only thing that would make this better is Clear (TJ) being super duper close to us. But you don’t trust her and I don’t really either Crying or Very sadCrying or Very sad *cries* but we move. I hope we go far together but gorge I can’t sit with you in Final 2. I fear your jury management going to be better than mine. But I am going to avoid backstabbing you at all costs. Love ya 👏🏻I love you
Tree Gelbman
Tree Gelbman

Join date : 2022-03-24

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Post by Tree Gelbman Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:47 am



This really breaks my heart, TJ. You’re one of my absolute best friends from the twitter community. Sadly there is a few things holding us back in this game. 1. You definitely don’t know i’m Tree. Therefore I know you are not prioritizing me. 2. You are the biggest comp threat here and I cannot make the same mistake in BBQ All Stars that I did with Sophia. and finally 3. I want to win this game more than anything. I am tired of never winning. And my path is easier with you gone. I love you and i’m sorry that I am targeting you. It crushes me. You’re also coming for me in 1 on 1 right now lol…


I thought your message about how it’s basically me and Penelope’s fault that Samara stayed was kind of annoying but whatever. Anyway…sorry I had plans to take you to like Final four but now I am full speed ahead with my group of five.


You don’t say much to me anymore. You are EXTREMELY paranoid in this game and it stresses me out! 😭 If this is Rae, same thing applies to you what I said to TJ. I am so so sorry I don’t have you up as high anymore. You are. huge threat to win though and I want to win this game. Ily though I love you


I actually trust 4 and up here for now. So I trust Carrie. She is just last because she is so short with responses and she JUST joined the alliance. Newest member has to stay at the bottom.


I love Nancy again LOL. She is good for my game for now but she also has a huge shot to win this whole thing so even though I trust you more than Carrie, I need you out before her. Final 5 would be the best time to cut you loose my love. Love ya tho Anf Anf I love you


This bitch is cracked out and I love it so much. She has really always been down for me. Sometimes I did not appreciate it as much as I should have. You’re an amazing person and I have a lot of respect for you in this game. You have to go eventually too though.


No caption needed. This is my mother fucking BITCH 🧁
Tree Gelbman
Tree Gelbman

Join date : 2022-03-24

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Post by Tatum Riley Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:02 am

The reason I didn’t tell you names that day was because I knew I would be saying a name of someone you have on the side since you kept drifting further and further away from the people I wanted to work with. Didn’t need for you to be spilling that to them since I knew you would be someone who would use any information to keep yourself safe… then after the Mindy vote thing my trust with you fell very hard because it felt like you were hanging me out to dry. You were always one of my top people though I was just very aware you were everywhere
Tatum Riley
Tatum Riley

Join date : 2022-03-24

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