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Cryptid Creation

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Cryptid Creation Empty Cryptid Creation

Post by Rinslet Jones Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:17 pm

Episode 9 of Destination Cryptids- The Moonstalker

Opening Theme: Unsolved Mysteries - Opening Theme (HQ Audio)

Rinslet: Welcome fellow cryptid hunters and ghoul experts to episode 9 of Destination Cryptids. I'm your host Rinslet Jones, yes, that's right daughter of Professor of archaeologist Indiana Jones most known for his time spent studying the crystal skulls. For a full documentary of the crystal skulls there will be a link in the description.
For this episode I'm on location in Thompson, Manitoba, Canada to follow up on some recent sightings of what is believed to be the Moonstalker. The Moonstalker historically has been seen all through Canada's Boreal Forest from Newfoundland to where I am now. The Moonstalker is often described as incredibly spider-like, arachnephobias' beware. It's describe as having 4 eyes, 2 arms and 6 legs. It is dark in colour, maybe black, but it's eyes glow in the dark. Not much is known about unfortunately like the Sasquatch or Mothman we rely on eye witness accounts to learn about this creature. The lore surrounding it says that it eats moonlight because it is nocturnal and only appears in moonlit clearings or moonbeams. Could this be an alien? We do not know, but sometimes a ringing can be heard that is uncomfortable, however it has never been heard on audio. Encounters are often extremely brief. It wears some sort of shround often described as ripped. I've also heard mixed accounts on the cloth it wears but with such few and brief encounters we might never know why. This forest is huge and full of mysteries but I'm grateful to Darren who reached out to me with an experience unlike any I've heard to date.

Darren Whitaker is a local hunter who lives in a cabin an hour north of Thompson. He was camping less than week ago with his beautiful black labrador retriever Betty and together they had an encounter unlike any other.
Camera focuses in on Darren a tall man with shaggy hair and wearing plaid sitting besides our heroine Rinslet.
Go ahead and introduce yourself Darren and take it away.

Darren: uhhh, hi, I'm Darren and I'm a hunter. This is uhh, I guess my story. I was doing some overnight work and was camping about 2 hours North of my cabin, there's this small peaceful clearing less than 1km from the lake that I like to stay. I always bring Betty with me, she's my best friend. It was probably about 2am and I got up having to take a piss so I walked into the bush and it was so fast but Betty started to bark like crazy and ran towards the lake, so I chased after her and when I got close I saw she was barking at this big thing. It felt like time slowed and I felt scared. This thing had 2 arms raised up and was looking up. It looked to be soaking in the moonlight.
Darren raises his arms up and mimicks what he saw

Suddenly, it turns around slowly and that's when I really saw it. It had 4 eyes blinking at me, these huge tusks or maybe mandibles, like an insect, it had a round body with 6 legs on the ground and two arms with huge claw like things. It was maybe a 2 second look but I could never forget the shroud it wore, because of the glow it gave off. It brightened the area it was so clear. Suddenly, I heard this crazy ringing in my ears nd it forced me to my knees and I don't know how long it lasted but it was painful. Then it was dark and quiet again. I looked at where the creature had been and it was gone, just like that.

I walked over to the spot and Betty was just sitting there, but I saw these 6 maybe footprints. In the morning when it light out I went back to the spot and snapped a picture of the footprints. Here's the photo I took and a sketch I made of what I saw, I'm not much of an artist but uhh, it's enough I hope for you.
Darren hands Rinslet a picture and his sketch.

Rinslet: Thank you Darren, this is perfect. I appreciate your willingness to share your story.

Scene change: Forest

Rinslet: Ok everyone after listening to Darren's story he showed me the clearing where he saw the Moonstalker. As I set up some night cameras and equipment let me tell you about the first written historical encounter. A few years ago, at an archaeological farm site a journal with an unknown author was uncovered. The ink and pages were carbon dated to be from the mid to late 1600's. Some pages were wrecked but we've been able to learn much from it about early colonists and their daily life. This one is written in an older french but there is one encounter that I'd like to recite for viewers as i set up.

"J'ete peur, tres peur hier, mais nous savons que cet visite n'ete pas si dangereuse. C'ete tres vite, un moment il y a un grand creature avec quatre yeux et les gros mandibules mais il y a disparu apres dix secondes."
Translation subtitles appear on bottom of screen. "I was scared, very scared yesterday, even though I knew this encounter wasn't dangerous. It happened so fast, one moment there was this big creature with 4 eyes and big mandibles but after 2 seconds it was just gone."

What I find the most interesting about this written account is that it fits the description of the Moonstalker but because the journal is fragmented we don't know if there was noise or anything else about this early encounter. I'm wording how the colonists knew not to be scared? Viewers comment your thoughts down below on why you think they weren't scared!

Scene change: Walking up to big house with a long wraparound porch close to the trees.

Rinslet: Right now I'm walking into my meeting with Rosie, a local who lives just outside of Thompson. She had an experience a few weeks ago that she'd like to share. She met Darren through a mutual friend and together they recounted their tales together. I'm lucky to have eyewitness testimonies in this episode. Rosie would like to remain anonymous, so her face will be blurred.

Rinslet and Rosie meet over tea at the kitchen table.

Thank you for agreeing to share your story Rosie, I appreciate so when you're ready please go ahead.

Rosie: ok, well um, I'm an early morning riser. I get up at 4am to bake bread for the day and get ready to babysit my grandkids while their parents go to work. A few weeks ago I got up as usual and while I was pouring a cup of coffee I heard a thump on the porch. I walked to the front door and peeked out the curtain, I saw this large thing. I didn't get a good look but I could see this bright white-ish kind of glowing cloak or shawl, it looked like lots of tiny spider webs put together. I got startled and closed the blind and when I looked back out it was gone. I found a bit of silk on the porch, I put it in this little baggie.
Rosie gives the ziplock bag to Rinslet.
Rinslet thanks Rosie for the tea and her time.

Final scene: Rinslet reviewing footage of her night cameras

Rinslet: Alright, there's lot of footage to review and as I look it over, I'll let y'all know that I'm going to be sending away a small piece of the silk Rosie gave me for testing to figure out what's it's made of, to help us at Destination Cryptids unravel the mystery of the Moonstalker.
Rinslet giggles at her own pun.
Hmmmm.... Not seeing much on the footage so far.....wait,...what the fuck?!....
Ok, folkx at 3:13am I think I've got something.......
I have enough evidence for a part 2 to this episode, that's where I'll update on the results of the testing.
I've linked the according images below please like and subscribe!

Ending Theme: Unsolved Mysteries Extended Closing Theme (1988)

Please Standby Photo's and Photo Descriptions in next post
Rinslet Jones
Rinslet Jones

Join date : 2022-11-21

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Cryptid Creation Empty Re: Cryptid Creation

Post by Rinslet Jones Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:24 pm

Image Descriptions (because of my lack of art skills)
Darren’s Sketch: a behind view of the Moonstalker soaking in the moonlight, oreganos giving it strength? Claws raised up and rough view of the shroud it wears, shorts touches the ground and looks to be made of many threads. The front of it is exactly what it looks like from the tales. 4 glowing eyes, 6 legs and 2 arms with claws.
Darren’s photo of the footprints
A picture with 6 hoof-like paws? Huh that’s weird 🤷‍� And Betty’s paws
Rosie’s ziplock bad with piece of webbing in it!
Finally Rinslet’s camera feed, shows forest view tiny clearing, moon and lake. A distant set of eyes and maybe mandibles can be seen 😱💀
Rinslet Jones
Rinslet Jones

Join date : 2022-11-21

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