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Cryptid Creation Empty Cryptid Creation

Post by Clark Kent Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:15 pm

Cryptid Creation
Clark Kent
Clark Kent

Join date : 2022-11-21
Location : Smallville, Kansas

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Cryptid Creation Empty Re: Cryptid Creation

Post by Clark Kent Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:23 pm

It all started on a quiet Saturday morning on a small rural village called Peaceland. The day before, the entire community gathered to celebrate Rodger and Diana’s wedding in the central square.

Ellie, Rodger’s cousin, woke up before all her family members to put some water and food for her cat Matt as he walked on her face while she was slept. She opened the door and Matt followed her. The wind was cold, but she waited for Matt to finish eating and then they went inside. While going to her room she saw that her brother’s room was open and he wasn’t there, she went inside his room to collect his dirty clothes to wash them but while she was putting the clothes in the basket she saw something different, a three-dimensional virtual-reality goggles that she had never seen it before, she took the vr looked at different angles and put it on her face when she started to see a different reality, a waterfall with a group of people with bags and weapons following a path through the jungle and whispering...

- What are you doing? Said Joseph as he took the vr from her sister.

Ellie was trembling.

_ If you enter my room without telling me again I'll give you a beating and kill syour stupid cat.

Ellie runs to her room immediately and Joseph hides the vr.

_ Guys please don't fight. Your dad is still sleeping. Said Debbie, Ellie's mother.

_ I have to wake up anyway, I have a lot of work to do. Said Peter, Ellie's father.

Ellie and her mother made breakfast. At the table, her family was gathered. Her father said a prayer and they had breakfast.

During the afternoon The men hunted and collected firewood while the women of the community were in the women's activity hall sewing clothes and singing. But Ellie couldn't stop thinking about the new world she’s seen in the vr.

Earlier in the evening, the men were on the council meeting discussing the future of the community.

Ellie was with her mom preparing dinner, when her mom was distracted, she went to Joseph's room and started looking for the vr but she wasn't finding it, then she heard that her father and brother were coming back so she quickly ran to the kitchen. They prayed, ate, and went to sleep. Ellie was playing quietly with Matt then she went to the bathroom, heading back to her room she stopped in front of the door to Joseph’s room and opened it slowly just enough to see inside it. Joseph was with the vr doing gestures like holding a gun, Ellie was fascinated with this she then heard some footsteps so she went to her room and laid on her bed. It was her mom who went to the bathroom too. Debbie then saw Joseph's door ajar and she went over to close it, but then she screamed.

_ Peter come here! Now!

_ Mom please this is just a toy.

_ Shut up Joseph.

_ Who gave it to you?

_ I found it while I was gathering firewood.

_ Get it Debbie, I'm going to teach that boy a lesson now.

Ellie was listening to her hitting Joseph after what happened.

Then someone starts knocking on the door.

_ Stop crying idiot or I'll make you suffer more.

Peter went to the front door and opened it. There were three community members there.

_ What is going on there? One men asked.

_ Nothing, William. My wife went to the bathroom and saw a cockroach. Thank you for asking!

_ Can we get in there?

_ Sure you can. Please go for it my friends.

The three men entered the house, Debbie went to the living room to welcome them and explain that it was no big deal, they walked to the rooms of the house and left.

The next day Ellie woke up hearing her parents talking. She overheard her father saying that he dug a hole in the woods and buried the object there. Everyone went to church that morning. After that, her parents forbade Joseph to go out by himself. It was a tense day, here and there someone from the community was looking at Ellies' house.

Ellie was feeding her cat but when he finished he ran into the jungle, she called him back but he didn't come so she tried to catch him until he got into the woods and she couldn't see him anymore. He was meowing, but Ellie couldn't see him, then she heard something attacking Matt and he yowled, but she couldn't find him and woke up from this nightmare. Her cat was sleeping next to her. She looked out the window and saw the forest.

The next day, while she was in the women's activity hall, Ellie told her mother that she was going to the bathroom. She quickly ran into the forest. She was moving rocks and leaves looking for the vr. Suddenly she looked at a bush and saw another vr there. She took it, hid it in her dress and went back into the hall.

At night, when everyone was asleep, Ellie put the vr. There was a door, she opened it. She was shown a staircase leading to a basement, she was going down the stairs, it was dark. She saw two glowing eyes, that was frightening.

_ Don't worry darling, I'm your friend. I know what you're looking for, but you've got to do what I say to get what you want. Said the creature.

Ellie couldn't breathe.

_ If you want to turn on the lights, clap your hands nine times.

Ellie did it. Everything was clear then, but Ellie didn't see anyone there.

_ I'm here dear. I don't have a body yet, but I'm here.

_ Who are you?

_ I am Friz a guardian of the incredible world that you saw the other day. I'll take you there if you do as I ask. But first, please have a seat.

A chair appears, Ellie sits there.

_ I know you have old dolls. Would you mind giving me one of them?

_ You can have one of them.

The picture of Ellie’s dolls was shown.

_ Which one can I have?

Ellie pointed to one and then the creature's body was the doll.

_ Thank you Ellie. I will let you into the other world.

So Ellie was in the woods, she was having a picnic, she was feeling awesome. All of a sudden, everything disappeared.

_ This is the most I can do for now. The more you help me, the more I'll let you there. Bring me flowers next time. See you tomorrow night. Goodbye.

Ellie was surprised by what she saw. She looked on her toy shelf and the doll she gave Friz was gone. She looked out the window to see the forest and there she saw the two glowing eyes again. She took Matt and went to bed.

The other night, Ellie brought Friz flowers and put the VR on. Friz thanked her and let her enter the other world, she went to an amusement park.

_ You liked it? That's just a tiny fraction of what's out there. Bring me a few candles next time. Goodbye

Another day Ellie brought what Friz ordered. Friz took her to amazing places. When Ellie was done, she hid the vr and looked for Matt, but he was gone. She searched the entire room but couldn't find him. She then looked at the other rooms in the house, but nothing. Ellie was scared. She put the vr back on, Matt was there sleeping near Friz.

_ Why is Matt here with you?

_ He is mine now honey. Although he is very annoying, I don't know what to do with him.

_ Please, don't do anything to him.

_ It depends on you darling. If you do as I say…

_ What you want?

The other day, Ellie is on the hall sewing clothes. She went into a room where there were many cloths, she took a lamp with her, set the cloth on fire and returned to where the other women were. They began to smell that something was burning, and smoke happened. They ran away from there scared, some of them got hurt while running. Ellie was relieved that she had completed her mission, but Diana was seriously injured. The community stopped the fire. The men gathered in council immediately.

That night, Ellie met Friz and she got Matt back.

_ Why are you angry hun? Wasn't it funny, don't you think?

_ No, many people are suffering. Diana is in the hospital!

_ I can help her. If you want of course.

_ I'm not doing anything for you.

Ellie left Friz, before going to bed, she saw the bright eyes in the forest. But she was relieved Matt was there with her.

Diana's situation worsened. Ellie wanted to ask her parents for help but she was afraid. She came to meet Friz in the next evening again.

_ You have come faster than I expected. Said the crytip doll.

_ What do you want to help Diana?

_ The next mission might be hard, but your friend will be fine after that. You must deliver this letter to someone who lives outside this forest.

_ But I can't go to the other side of the forest.

_ Well, in that case there's nothing I can do...

Early in the morning, Ellie got up. She left the house wearing a hood. She entered the forest. She had to go to the other side of the forest to do what Friz ordered. The entire community was forbidden to go to the other side, but Ellie felt guilty and did so without telling anyone.

When Debbie and Peter woke up, they realized that Ellie wasn’t there. Then they asked the community to help find her. Everyone was looking for her, but they covered everywhere and nothing. The only place she could be is in the woods. The older men took torches and rode into the forest on horseback to find her.

As she walked into the woods, Ellie was scared. She was feeling watched by something, she was afraid that a monster could get her, she looked to the side and saw Fritz with a scary appearance, she started running. Ellie was afraid so she hid in a bush. The men heard something and headed towards her. Ellie then heard the horse's noise and screamed for help, but as soon as she did, Friz jumped on her and bit her neck until she died. Fritz then ate Ellie's body.

The men went back because they couldn't find Ellie and they couldn't go to the other side of the woods. A few days later, Debbie was looking into Ellie's room and she found the vr, she and Peter took it and presented it to the board. They told about Joseph using that item. The council requested a meeting with the entire community. They judged Joseph and branded his face with a hot iron and he was expelled to the village.

_ Please, don't do this to me! There are monsters in the forest, and nobody has come back from there. I can't go the other way. Begged Joseph.

_ You brought a witchcraft object to Peaceland. Nobody is authorized to do that. Send him to the forest. The judge said.

Joseph was sent to the forest, he cried, but no one let him back. He looked for a place to stay in the woods until Fritz came to him and killed him.

From that day forward, the council searched every week all houses for inappropriate objects to prevent any events that might threaten the order and security of Peaceland.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent

Join date : 2022-11-21
Location : Smallville, Kansas

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Cryptid Creation Empty Re: Cryptid Creation

Post by Clark Kent Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:46 pm

Detailed description:
Fritz is an spiritual entity that lives in the forest around Peaceland. It communicates with Ellie when she uses a VR. Then it possesses Ellie's doll body. It makes Ellie do bad stuffs where she lives. Fritz eats humans.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent

Join date : 2022-11-21
Location : Smallville, Kansas

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