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Cryptid Creation

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Cryptid Creation Empty Cryptid Creation

Post by Neda Kalantar Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:15 pm

Cryptid Creation 2503a710

Name- Poloose
Where they live- Greenland 🇬🇱
Food they eat- Fish and plants
Where is it elusive - Anywhere that’s too hot

Journal Entry #23

I find this entry difficult to write. Because I am still in shock. To be honest when I first set up this expedition. I didn't really think it had much hope or succees. After all people have been looking for legendary monsters for years. No one's ever found proof of big foot or the lochness monster.

But we were different. Atleast we thought we were….A team of 5 of us, off to hunt for proof of mystery creature that existed. Somewhere in the woods near Sisimiut. The capital of Greenland.

It was said to be part polar bear...part moose and part Ape. The head of a Moose, Antlers and all. The body of a Polar bear. And most unbelievable of all the feet of an Ape. The fabled Poloose.

Normally most scientists would think this was a prank or straight up lies. But there had been so many sightings, it was just hard to ignore the possibility. 

We started by interviewing the locals. Even the town skeptics seemed to admit they had once or twice seen something that might match that description. Eventually we discovered it seemed to gravitate towards the cooler area of the woods. My theory was that it disliked the heat.

So we set off into the woods on our journey. It wasn't long before we discovered the tracks. It was, as if someone had been walking on their hands. The woods had a strange smell. We saw certain areas of the jungle had the trees and the leaves stipped bare. Most likely a herbavor we theorized. That was until we found pieces of rabbit spread out in a small clearing. We quickly made an amendment to our theory. It was most likely an omnivore.

We eventually stopped to make a tent for the night. Not wanting to walk ourselves to death on the first day. We discussed our findings and theorized long into the night. We did hear strange noises in the night. A strange demonic grunting.

The next day we were ready to implement the next phase of our expedition. We were going to split into groups to cover different areas. Each team with a camera, each team had its own designated area to explore. If we found it, we were to take photographs, observe and generally be safe. Because there was 5 of us. One of us was going to be alone. Since I was in charge and responsible for the safety for the team. I volunteered to be the one to go alone. I know this may seem crazy. But we were all armed with tranquilizer guns. And I had outdoor experience, so we all felt capable. I knew I would be fine.

I made my way through my designated area of the woods. Prepared for anything.

I know you were probably expecting me to find it around the next bend. But in real life things rarely work that way. It was probably about an hour of searching until, there I found it.

In a small clearing, I saw it. Exactly as described. A beast with the body of a post bear. Legs of an Ape. And a head of a Moose. The fabled Poloose.

It was graceful. Powerful. Terrifying. But beautiful. Exactly as described. But that wasn't the most shocking part. The most shocking part was that there was 3 of them. 2 adults and a baby. So clearly, there were about to be a-lot more of them. A male and female easily recognizable by the Antlers. Well at least I suspected so.

I stand still as I could be, watching them. Mesmerized. Still as I could be, suddenly the large male lifted its head…sniffed the air…and turned to my direction. 

I was nervous and scared. They must have an incredible sense of smell. The smaller...female one crept over towards me. I began to panic slightly. If they were anything like real bears, they would be very defensive of their young. I panicked and grabbed the nearest thing I could find. A branch with leaves. I stuck it out in front of me...shaking like....well...a leaf.

The creature approaches and began sniffing the branch. And slowly began munching on the leaves. Oh, I thought…well that's unexpected. It ate the leaves clean.
The male went back to looking after the baby. Seemingly content that they were in no danger. Eventually the female finished the branches and went back to her family. I quickly whipped out my camera and snapped a few shots while they were still in my view. They seemed to hold a quick discussion and decided it was time to move on. They quickly bolted away. 

Eventually I regrouped with the team and shared my findings then realized that I sadly forgot to take the lens cap of my camera off, so I drew a picture of what it looked like instead. We all agreed, we would have to return to Greenland again to see the mysterious creatures. Since Greenland is a beautiful country with beautiful and mysterious creatures. Plus we had more research to do, more pictures to take! Because I still have to prove my story, and this time, I won't forget to take the lens cap of my camera off….
Neda Kalantar
Neda Kalantar

Join date : 2022-11-21

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